A bumpy ride is ahead for five travellers, an old army truck and a dream – plus a clueless expedition leader. Comedy by David Napthine and Mike Yeaman.

Dover and Out – Episode 1 of 6
Five Travellers, an old army truck and a dream – oh, and a clueless expedition leader who’s never been outside Europe and can’t read a map…Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Gut Reaction – Episode 2 of 6
Having missed Vienna because Trigger took a wrong exit at a roundabout, the travellers are beginning to worry about the expedition itinerary…- and about the food, the accommodation, the sleeping arrangements and the state of Trigger’s socks.Mutiny is in the air …

Turkish Delight – Episode 3 of 6
The over-land expedition has reached Turkey, the land of Kismet, and gateway to the East.It’s just the place for Joan to discover romance and Trigger to catch up on all the kebabs he’s missed since leaving Romford.

The Truck Stops Here – Episode 4 of 6
The travellers have reached…..um, well, actually they’re lost in the middle of Uzbekistan and the truck has broken down, again.

A Sticky Wicket – Episode 5 of 6
Nepal is almost in sight and the travellers are in a mellow mood – until their truck is stolen by bandits.

End of the Road – Episode 6 of 6
The lights of Kathmandu are twinkling on the horizon, the truck is in fine working order, and a haunch of goat is roasting on an open fire.What can possibly go wrong?