The story of Faust has been at the heart of European literature and music for centuries.

  1. A Meeting – “Please allow me to introduce myself…” The devil comes to town and meets Dr Faustus.
  2. Wants and Needs – Faust wants sex. Mephistopheles wants his signature.
  3. Ruination – Faust gets a girl, Mephistopheles closes in and Gretchen’s ruination is charted.
  4. A Pregnancy – Gretchen is pregnant with Faust’s child, but the worst is yet to come.
  5. Wishes and Boredom – Faust becomes bored by years of wish fulfilment.

Fable adaptation of a man selling his soul to the Devil. Stars Mark Gatiss.

Martin Jenkins’ fable adaptation of a man selling his soul to the Devil, draws on old stories and new fears.